A third time in the series the same feat has been repeated by the Sri Lankan cricket team against Australia.With the required total being lesser compared to the previous matches,the Sri Lankans batted brilliantly to see their performance deteriorate each time their batsmen went on to face the Aussie bowlers.And this time,a target of less than 200 was found enough for the Aussies to trouble the Sri Lankan batsmen.
I doubt!Was this the team that were said to be a perfect finalists in the 2007 World Cup to defeat the Aussies?Likewise,the Sri lankan batsmen were considered to be far below par compared to the Aussies.But,such a batting debacle??Oh my god!With each and every match,it was like"Next Time".But,when exactly?
Each time when I expect the Aussies to be defeated after the Sri Lankan bowlers do a fantastic job,the only thing I get to see is a bigger disappointment in Sri Lankan batting.When will the Sri Lankans learn?With every other team's performance being so hopeless,there lies the answer as to why the Australians are still the most favoured team by betters...Kudos to U-Aussies!!!
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